Friday, May 22, 2009

Rants - May 22, 2009

Welcome to the May 22, 2009 edition of Rants. Do me a favor -- blog about this post (link back to it), twit it, Facebook it, share it. Let's get more folks looking at this carnival, posting to it, and commenting about it!

Of course, promoting this carnival is not your obligation, and I will not decline your Rants just because you didn't help me get the word out about it (it's actually in your best interest to do a little self-promotion about your own Rants here), but I really would appreciate some links back here.


KP Silverman presents Don't Call It a Comeback posted at Kpsilverman's Weblog.

Mikkal Travvis presents American Christians Approve Of Torture? posted at The Last Days.

Wenchypoo presents Global Warming--When All Else Fails, Change the Marketing Plan posted at Wisdom From Wenchypoo's Mental Wastebasket.

old-wizard presents Top 10 Ways to Tell if a Game is Hardcore posted at

GrrlScientist presents Tough Love for City's Homeless: Pay Rent or Get Out! posted at Living the Scientific Life, saying, "Sounding like a story that is fresh out of the satirical newspaper, The Onion, the eighth richest person in America tells thousands of homeless families (most of whom are single working mothers) in NYC to pay rent to live in a shelter or GET OUT!"

Aetius Romulous presents Stock Markets are Not Democratic posted at ScreamBucket.

steven germain presents I don't get it... posted at Rough Fractals, saying, "Why in tarnation do people give money to their former private colleges? I don't get it..."

Wenchypoo presents Keeping Up With the Enemy posted at Wisdom From Wenchypoo's Mental Wastebasket.

Silicon Valley Blogger presents Worst Economic Crisis Since The Great Depression: Who’s To Blame? posted at The Digerati Life, saying, "Thanks!"
Yep. Read this post. It's one person's take on who's to blame. Certainly open for discussion, but it's clear that the "Too big to fail" mantra we've heard so often lately (the last TWO FREAKING YEARS) is bullshit. I say,

"Too big to succeed."

If the government just seized the assets of say, Citibank, I think we'd be better off. We'd cut out all the middle men (i.e., always a waste) and have the same end result, only with less collateral damage.

That's my rant!

Madeleine Begun Kane presents The "We Did Nothing Wrong, & Nancy Should Have Stopped Us" Song posted at Mad Kane's Political Madness.

The Smarter Wallet presents Protect Your Assets From Financial Loss! Avoid Bad Financial Decisions posted at The Smarter Wallet, saying, "Thanks!"

Colin Timberlake presents Forced Fatherhood: Are Men Being Treated Equally? posted at, saying, "Colin Timberlake examines whether reproductive rights are evenly distributed in today's society..."

Biotunes presents Tax corn products for health care posted at Bioblog by Biotunes, saying, "Taxpayer money should pay for the health problems it causes"
I totally agree. This is why we should tax the hell out of cigarettes, alcohol, and why we should legalize so-called "illicit" drugs.

Archvillain presents Prayer is not a substitute for ability posted at A Dark and Sinister Force for Good, saying, "Reality has a heathen bias."

Wenchypoo presents Piety is No Substitute for Technique posted at Wisdom From Wenchypoo's Mental Wastebasket.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of Rants using our carnival submission form.

Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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