Thursday, October 23, 2008

Rants -- October 23, 2008

Welcome to the October 23, 2008 edition of Rants.

The BoBo presents McCain can still win with the right strategy! posted at The BoBo Files, saying, "If McCain follows a hard hitting tactic in the debate and the remaining days - perhaps the people might actually decide to take a look into Obama's history..or..better yet, maybe the MSM might actually do a story about Obama that doesn't call those who oppose him a racist!"

Indian presents 2009 Horoscope - Astrology posted at DecisionCare, saying, "Find out how Obama/McCain will do next year based on their sign. 2009 Horoscope forecast and astrology predictions."

The Delinquist presents October 15th Presidential Debates: My SummaryThe Delinquist, saying, "Angry, funny, offensive, tongue in cheek summary of the 3rd and final presidential debates."

DWSUWF presents President Jed Bartlett Endorses Divided Government.Divided We Stand United We Fall, saying, "Barack Obama will fit somewhere between Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush in the One Party Rule Power Abuse Rankings. Somehow that seems appropriate. My casual observation is that the amount of damage done by One Party Rule correlates primarily to the number of years the Rule is in place, and whether the party in power has a filibuster proof 60-40 majority. So there is some cause for hope that the damage can be limited in the next two years."

David Weingarten presents "Toronto 18" Guilty Verdict Fuels Government Gravy-Train posted at, saying, "With exclusive comments from RCMP informant Mubin Shaikh"

Archvillain presents (Out of) Focus Groups posted at A Dark and Sinister Force for Good, saying, "The lunatics are driving me mad."

Nicholas Powiull presents The Justice System is NOT What it Seems to Be (My Personal Experience): by Nicholas Powiull posted at Conscious Flex, saying, "This article explains the system behind the justice system. Everybody should know this..."

kudzumaster presents Michele Bachmann and her Anti-American ParanoiaThe Vine.

Jeffrey Stingerstein presents What Is the Angry Right Going to Say About Colin Powell Now? posted at Disillusioned Words.

GrrlScientist presents I get eMail posted at Living the Scientific Life, saying, "The Blue States want to secede from the Union, and leave the Red States to their own devices. Here's the official letter from the Blue States to the Red States."

Madeleine Begun Kane presents Ode To John "Air-Quotes" McCain posted at Mad Kane's Political Madness.

M. E. Adams presents Obama Media Pigs 2008 posted at Revolution, saying, "Just a blurb about Obama Media pigs and the facts."

Ron McKie presents Rush Limbaugh is a thief posted at Phuck Politics.

BoH presents Confessions of an X republican posted at buddha of hollywood.

Greg Laden presents An Open Letter to John McCain regarding Planetaria and Science Education posted at A Vote For Science.

Arun presents Quirky Communication posted at Arun is Bringing You...Your Daily Remedy, saying, "A little rant on the evolution of communication"

Phil B. presents The Great Waste of Pumpkins posted at Phil for Humanity, saying, "It's that time of year again when a large number of Americans go to their local supermarkets and purchase a large pumpkin only to use it as a decoration for only a few weeks."

Jon Swift presents Let McCain Be McCain posted at Jon Swift, saying, "Americans don’t want a President like Obama who is calm and cool in a crisis and never seems to break a sweat. They want a President who is as angry as they are, someone who will lash out unpredictably at our enemies."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of Rants using our carnival submission form.

Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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