Thursday, January 15, 2009

Rants -- January 15, 2009

Sorry everybody, I've been lax in getting this first for 2009 edition out. Here it is. (For the future, I'll be posting one of these mid-month, one at the end of the month.)

Madeleine Begun Kane presents Banks To Taxpayers: Drop Dead! posted at Mad Kane's Political Madness.

Christy John presents Neither would the dog eat grass nor would it let cow. My opinion on the new policy by Indian sports ministry. posted at An Unabridged Life.

Christy John presents New age groupies and the butt cleavages. posted at An Unabridged Life.

Michael Bass presents An Amero Merry Christmas and Happy New Year posted at Debt Prison, saying, "Not surprisingly, the very group of bankers and powerful men, who with resolve and dedication, addicted America to this corrupt system of credit creation in the first place…. will be the very men who come charging in with the solution to our economic woes and the next depression."

Zemer presents We Will Not Put Our Heads Down In Shame! posted at

Lisa Spinelli presents Politicians and Used Car Salesmen - Would You Buy a Senator’s Seat From That Governor? posted at Greener Pastures: Personal Finance.

 BH presents Israeli Gaza Operation effective in Military and Propaganda WarsBangladeshi Hindu, saying, "Analysis of the recent Israel-Palestine conflict"
when will this ever stop?

Sidhusaaheb presents Defenceless Victims of Reckless Driving posted at I, Me, Myself.

SjP presents do not call me sassy! posted at Sojourner's Place, saying, "This is a rant about women being called "sassy" and my reaction to it!"

Greg Laden presents The natural basis for gender inequality posted at Greg Laden's Blog.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
Rants using our carnival submission form.

Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Anonymous said...

More about the Amero: I wrote about it last year--

The article includes links to the Amero, Robert Pastor, and other stuff.