Friday, October 12, 2007

Giuliani buddy Bernie Kerik to have charges filed

UPDATE: Kerik pleads not guilty to charges filed against him.

It's about to become Giuliani's nightmare: His former best bud, Bernard Kerik, is about to be indicted on bribery, tax fraud, and obstruction of justice charges. As Rudy knows, it's not what you know, it's who you know.

And that principle works on the way down more effectively than on the way up. So, here's to Rudy dropping in the polls, if not out of the race.

Which leaves Lurch, um, Fred Thompson, and Mitt Romney as the front-runners. Oh, the Repugnicans have nothing left.

Oh, except that the Dems aren't offering much better (i.e., Hillary). Still can't understand why Obama, Edwards, and Richardson aren't doing better...

Prosecutors expected to file charges against Bernard Kerik
The indictment, expected next month, could prove to be an embarrassing obstacle for Kerik's former mentor Rudy Giuliani, who is cruising at the top of the polls heading into the presidential primary gauntlet.