Monday, September 04, 2006

Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin Dead?

I cannot believe my eyes this morning. I have just read that the Croc Hunter, Steve Irwin, is dead, killed in a freak accident where the barb of a sting ray impaled him and he died instantly after the poisonous barb pierced his heart.

The whole article sounds like it's made up. I really had to verify that today wasn't April 1.

However, it's not April Fool's Day, nor does the article seem to have been made up. It's all over the web. I haven't bothered to check the television yet, so it may just be a web fire, stoked by the same story over and over again.

I hope it's not true. There are few entertainers in this world that actually make a difference and do it with such passion as Steve. He was an enthusiastic zoo keeper who made a lot of us take notice with what was/is going on with Australia and the world. He took us places we'd never go ourselves because we didn't have the chance or the balls.

He was truly a nut in the best possible way. I loved that guy. I hope Terri and his two kids find their way through this tragic loss.

Rest in peace, mate!